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"Join us to Rebuild Stronger Homes for Uganda Families Affected by Mudslides"


Updated: Jun 4, 2023

Last week GLOW Uganda members and families in Buremba, had to evacuate their homes which were left loosely hanging and others washed away following the mudslides that hit some parts of Kabale and Rubanda districts. Our members in Rwondo Rubanda were affected the most. Not only their houses were affected, but gardens with crops were also washed down from the hills while the gardens in the valley flooded. It is so devastating for the families that lost their property and houses though thankfully no lives were lost.

Under our Home improvement objective, we get together and help families to rebuild stronger and more water-resistant houses.

Help us raise $2000 for each family to rebuild better homes for them by August 2023.

Your support will be so much appreciated

Blocked Road: Where will she pass?

Rwondo: (wrecked house due to mudslides)

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